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Property Leasing: 8 reasons to hire a real estate agent

Leaving the property lease under the management of a real estate company is an efficient way to avoid problems such as default, non-compliance with the rental agreement, and poor conservation of the place, among others. In other words, a realtor makes the process faster and safer for both parties.

There are several benefits of relying on the intermediation of one f the reliable Real Estate Companies in Palm Cove, whether for renting, buying, selling, or investing in the real estate market. To know the main reasons to hire a realtor, continue reading the post!

  • Market knowledge

Several factors influence the rental value of a property. Thus, a trained professional with knowledge of the market is the most suitable person to determine the correct quote so that the owner is not at a loss and the price is attractive to interested parties.

Also, a realtor will evaluate the property and, if applicable, will give tips on how to make it even more valued and attractive in the eyes of the lessee.

  • Disclosure and service

A real estate company follows advertising strategies that are decisive to find people interested in renting the property. That is, with market knowledge, you know what the public is looking for and how it behaves. In this way, you can outline ways to make the correct offer to reach those interested.

  • Caring for the property

One of the owner's biggest concerns is to receive the property in good condition at the end of the lease. To ensure this happens, the real estate agency is responsible for inspecting before the tenant enters and also after his departure. The inspection of the place should be done after possible renovations.

  • Analysis of the tenant's reputation

One of the best Real Estate Companies in Palm Cove investigates the history of the person interested in the lease, and may even request certificates of a criminal record. This fact makes the owner much more relaxed and secure.

  • Agility in bureaucracy

The process of leasing real estate is quite bureaucratic and, if it is done by someone who does not have knowledge or great experience, it can be quite time-consuming, costly, and stressful. It is necessary to analyze the documents and certificates of both parties and also of the property, carry out an inspection term, draw up a legally valid contract and seek payment guarantees that are satisfactory for all involved.

  • Prevention of default

Currently, there are several forms of payment guarantee bonds, capitalization bonds, and investment funds, among others. The realtor examines the modality according to credit approval, lessor consent, and lessee availability. Regardless of the option, these are ways to ensure that the owner receives the amounts owed.

  • Prevention against lawsuits

Anyone who does not hire a real estate company runs the risk of being negatively surprised by lawsuits caused by non-payment of condominium fees and IPTU. In most cases, the condominium fee is borne by the tenant. When there is a lack of payment, the condominium seeks to collect the debt through legal action against the owner.

  • Solution for possible problems

Mediating probable conflicts between tenant and lessor are part of the routine of a real estate company. Therefore, there is already experience and knowledge about the measures to be taken to find a balance point that serves both parties.

Importance of Real Estate Agent

Therefore, real estate leasing must be left under the management of a trusted Local Real Estate Agent in Palm Cove who registered with CRECI. Thus, you will have the peace of mind that your property will be well taken care of and that this investment will surely bring a financial return.

If you liked this blog and understood the importance of a real estate agent for lease properties, contact AIRBNB REAL ESTATE to find out what we can do for you and your property!

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